Our experts have over 45 years of combined experience in
Assessment and Disability Management Services
CareerStreams Resources Inc. was founded in 1996 and hosts offices in both Windsor and London, these locations allow for full coverage of Southwestern Ontario. Over the past 25 years, CareerStreams Resources Inc. has been proud to serve Southern Ontario providing Career Counselling, Career Development, Disability Management, Human Resources Solutions, and Vocational Assessments to well over 5000 clients. Our clientele includes: Case managers, rehab consultants needing marketable employment and return to work options for their clients, adults in the midst of unexpected career change due to injury or downsizing, employers recognizing the need to provide employment options for their displaced workers, and anyone seeking career goal redirection. Our Disability Management and Vocational Assessment experts posses over 45 years of combined experience.
CareerStreams Resources Inc. provides a variety of services including a comprehensive series of test batteries to assess skills and aptitudes. We specialize in Vocational and Psycho-vocational assessments, transferrable skills analysis, employment search, skills building, and labour market surveys.